December 3, 2016 – Big Chill 2016

Several Alumni Brothers joined the active Brotherhood at Pi Chapter for the annual Big Chill 5k on the very chilly early December 3rd morning.
Pictured from left to right: (back row) Mike Rehorn, Ashtyn Greenstein, Anthony DeCristofano, Aarona Fong, Casey Lau, Michelle Mitchell
(middle row) Brandon Eberhardt, Pat Zazzaro, Rachel Parsons, Reuben Rios, Amy Oliveira, Christian Rios, Michael “Smiley” Verra
(front row) Allyson Wagner, PJ Amendolia, Kelly Blackwood, Phil Muratore, Caitlyn Sullivan. (not pictured- Dory Knipple)
November 2016 – Lots of Brotherhood Bonding
November was a month full of Brotherhood activites and bonding, starting with a hangout on November 6th at Melick’s Farm for apple picking! November 27th brought the annual Brotherhood Thanksgiving at Smiley’s house, a potluck and general get-together full of laughter and smiles. We’re thankful for all of our Brothers, near and far.
Right photo: Melick’s Farm
Left Photo: Brotherhood Thanksgiving
October 23, 2016 – Scarlet Harvest!

On October 23, Brothers headed out to the Rutgers Gardens to help the Rutgers Alumni Association with their annual Fall festival, Scarlet Harvest. Brothers spent the afternoon helping set up the grounds, and then assisting with a scavenger hunt and shooting a cornhusk cannon, alongside Rutgers alumni and Brothers of Alpha Zeta Fraternity.
Pictured, left to right: (back row) Michelle Mitchell, Dory Knipple, Pat Zazzaro, Amy Oliveira
(front row) Kelly Blackwood, PJ Amendolia, Allyson Wagner, Keri Kurpick
September 22, 2016 – MBPsi Hosts a Blood Drive!

After the success we faced last semester running our first blood drive ever, we held our second drive on a Thursday, on Busch campus. Many Brothers donated, and we managed to collect 57 pints of blood that will go to hospitals and blood banks, where donations will be used for transfusions, surgeries, and many more procedures to help save lives. We thank everyone who came out and donated or helped us advertise!
August 27-September 2 – Band Camp 2016

Starting on August 27, Brothers involved in the Rutgers marching band headed up to Lake Greeley Camp in Pennsylvania for a week of band camp! We spent the week bonding with the rest of the band and running successful nighttime activities for our fellow bandmates. Each night we also ran the Mu Beta Psi store, where we sold snacks and drinks for everyone.
Pictured, Brothers on Tuesday after a Brother lunch. Front row, from left to right: Caitlyn Sullivan, Allyson Wagner, Michael Rehorn, Pat Zazzaro, Aarona Fong, Keri Kurpick, Anthony DeCristofano, Cassie Hill (staff), Michael “Smiley” Verra (staff), Todd Vaccaro Jr (staff), Casey Lau, Phil Muratore.
Back row, left to right: Christian Rios, Amalia Hubal, Amy Oliveira, Michelle Mitchell, Rachel Parsons, PJ Amendolia.
July 30, 2016 – Brothers take Six Flags

Brothers from Pi Chapter, Omicron Chapter, and Alpha Chapter met up in NJ to spend a day in the sun riding rollercoasters together and doing some Brotherhood bonding.
Pictured from left to right: Ashley Ford (Alpha), Caitlyn Sullivan (Pi), An Le (Pi), Alana Bielski (Pi), Jessica Caudle (Alpha), Emily Dabbs (Omicron)
May 15th, 2016 – Congratulations Seniors!

Pi Chapter would like to take a minute to thank our graduating seniors for all that they have done for us, and wish them luck in all of their future endeavors!
From left to right: Debbie Andres (GSE), Christopher Mottes (RBS), Caitlin Kober (SEBS), Rachel Uhrig (SEBS), Susan Zane (SAS), Reuben Rios (SOE), Lindsay Wilkins (SAS), Becky Hill (SAS)
April 10th, 2016 – Congratulations, Alpha Psi class!

The Alpha Psi class has finally become a part of Mu Beta Psi Pi Chapter! Along with that, they have also become a part of Mu Upsilon Alpha! Welcome!
From left to right: Patrick Zazzaro, Aarona Fong, Rachel Parsons, P.J. Amendolia, Amy Oliveira, and Michelle Mitchell.