November 19, 2017 – Welcome Beta Alphas!

Welcome to our most recent Education class, the Beta Alphas!
Pictured from left to right: Ryan Callahan, Georgette Stillman, Andy Rears, Brad Kizar, Jacqi Chang, and Bryce Barr
May 14, 2017 – Congratulations Class of 2017!

Congratulations to our graduating Seniors! We’re so proud of what you’ve accomplished during these past years! We hope you visit often as alumni!
Pictured from left to right: (back row) Dory Knipple, Christian Rios, An Le, Caitlyn Sullivan, Lindsay Wilkins, Anthony DeCristofano
(front row) Keri Kurpick, Casey Lau, Christina Vecchio, Ashtyn Greenstein
April 9, 2017 – Welcome Alpha Omegas!

Welcome to our newest Education class, the Alpha Omegas! Congratulations, we’re so excited to see what you can do!
Pictured from left to right: (back row) TJ Johnson, Britni Strittmatter, Ben Weise, Joe Unkel, Alice Kong
(front row) Jena Eckenroad, Brianna Markus, Megan Koeplinger, Helen Kwok
March 10-11, 2017 – Sweet Home Alpha Chapter National Convention

National Convention was hosted by Alpha Chapter this year, in Raleigh, North Carolina on the campus of North Carolina State University. It brought together Brothers from all the active chapters, as well as numerous alumni and Brothers involved with the Alumni Association. Workshops and meetings were held, but overall it was a way to meet new Brothers and get to know them and their chapters. Pi Chapter took home the prize for the “Price”less Memories Scrapbook Contest, and also had a strong showing in the talent show held Friday evening. The 8 hour drive was well worth it for the love and Brotherhood experienced, even so many miles away.
February 4, 2017 – 7th Annual Snowball

This year’s 9th Annual Snowball was held on February 4 in the Cook Campus Center, and benefited the Music Unites charity. Music Unites creates and promotes music programs in inner city schools through partnerships, programs, and workshops. It was a great night for all guests, and we were able to raise over $800. Special thanks to Beats for a Cause, Queen’s Chorale, and Brothers Rachel Parsons, Amy Oliveira, and Ashtyn Greenstein for their beautiful performances at the event, and to Jesse Neitzer for the photo booth and formal photos. We hope to see you all at next year’s Snowball!
January 23-27 – Rush Week 2017

Another semester brought about another successful rush week, featuring events such as fro-yo, DIY 2.0, an open mic, info session, and karaoke night.
Pictured from left to right: Lauren Richardson (rushee), Megan Koeplinger (rushee), Ben Weise (rushee), Christina Vecchio (Alpha Phi), Ashtyn Greenstein (Alpha Phi)