Interview: Baylee Foreman

1. What made you decide to come to Rutgers?

Rutgers was one of my top choices, both because Rutgers has been a part of my family and community for years and because of its sciences programs. I also went to the football games, and knew I wanted to continue to do marching band and music as a whole. I chose to go here out of the colleges I’ve been accepted in because of the wonderful experiences and education it will give me, as long as I give back thrice as hard. 

2. What has your Rutgers experience been like so far (extra curriculars, favorite classes, etc.)?

My classes have been hard, as expected, but I’ve learned that they’re only hard if I didn’t put in the effort. I was so used to high school handing me everything on a silver platter, so I admittedly struggled in a lot of areas, but once I learned how to go with the flow and set up a schedule for myself, it became a lot easier. Being in the marching band has helped tremendously, with a support group to back up on and amazing friends to help. 

3. What made you choose your instrument?

I’ve played the clarinet since I was 10, so I was bound to stick with it for a while. Plus, I’ve never felt the need to switch to another. 

4. What made you decide to join Mu Beta Psi?

Honestly, at first, I wasn’t interested in it at all. However, after following through with the process, and growing my already existing friendships via the Rush Events, I realized that this is a group I want to be a part of. I wanted to give back to the music community. Being a non-music major myself, I wanted to find another way to incorporate music in my daily life besides marching band. I was previously involved in Symphony Band for two semesters, and Pep Band for one, so I’ve established connections there too. 

5. What has being in Mu Beta Psi been like for you?

Being in Mu Beta Psi is very invigorating, as you have an entire support system to help you with anything, whether it be academics, music, or just life in general. Being Treasurer on top of that helped me understand financial processes as well, and working with the Executive Board. I learned to work with people and become more organized. 

6. Do you have a favorite memory in Mu Beta Psi?

Eating Stef’s muffins. The regular banana ones are my favorite.

7. What do you like to do in your free time?

I like to paint and draw, as well as go on hikes. I’m a huge animal person as well, so I like to hang out with my pets (horses, cats and dogs), as well as watch National Geographic. I play/watch a lot of video games when I have the time, too, such as Paper Mario, Minecraft, and the Legend of Zelda, as well as physical games such as Pictionary and Solitaire. Fun fact about me is that I enjoy doing math as well. 

8. Do you have any advice for anyone interested in joining Mu Beta Psi or looking to get more involved? 

Make sure that you talk to people! It makes the experience twice as fun! In addition, be prepared for anything that comes your way, and face it head on!